Yup - this would be your view AND you have a boat slip. Buttonwood Bay is also knows as the Boater's paradise.

Condos/Townhomes under 400K in price order: Click here
The great thing about condos/townhomes are the amenities (Pool, Tennis Courts. etc), this is also what makes them great seasonal rentals while you are not using them. FYI: Insurance is included in the association fees.
If condo living isn't your cup of tea:
Here are all dry lot Single Family CBS homes under 400K in price order:
Click here
And Canal front homes under 700K: Click here
Canal front homes priced higher: Click here
You want a view, here are the open water front homes under 1,5 Million: Click here
And here are all other open water front properties: Click here
There are great deals, please contact me if you are a serious buyer or seller; I'd love to assist you. You can reach me ,Veepka, at 305-393-0923 or Veepka@aol.com